How to Get Rid of Dry Mouth Effortlessly

You are not alone if you experience a dry, cottony mouth. Many persons suffer from dry mouth, however, some home remedies can help relieve the discomfort and prevent additional oral health problems.

What is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth which is also called Xerostomia is a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth do not produce enough saliva to keep your mouth moist. A dry mouth alters regular daily activities which include tasting, eating, speaking, and swallowing, in other words, it drastically reduces your quality of life.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

Totally depends on your lifestyle, symptoms usually appear abruptly or slowly. The following are some of the most common symptoms of dry mouth:

  1. Thirst
  2. White Tongue due to bacterial growth and fungal infection in your mouth
  3. Headaches as a result of dehydration
  4. Sore throat
  5. Decayed Teeth and bleeding of Gum.
  6. Offensive Breath
  7. Difficulty in Swallowing, Chewing and Speaking (Dysphagia).
  8. Dry and Parched lips
  9. Sores and Ulcers
  10. Dry Cough
  11. Dry and thick Saliva

Causes of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by the autoimmune loss of the salivary glands (Sjogren’s syndrome). It may also be associated to cancer therapy, prescription medications, drugs, ageing, or other oral medical issues. The following are some of the most common causes of dry mouth:

1. Nerve Damage

If you’ve been hurt around your head or neck, you’re more likely to suffer nerve damage. This is also applicable if you’ve had any type of surgery near your head. As a result of nerve injury, your salivary glands may stop functioning, leading to an increase in a dry mouth.

2. Prescription Medication

A dry mouth is more likely to develop when you’re taking medicine. Dry mouth has been acknowledged as an adverse effect of many over-the-counter drugs, including those used to treat depression, high blood pressure, muscle relaxants, and decongestant medication.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy causes saliva to thicken, which can cause the mouth to become dry.

4. Ageing

Dry mouth becomes more common as people become older. Long-term health issues, poor nutrition, and certain drugs have all been related to oral dryness. Dry mouth can be caused by snoring and mouth breathing.

5. Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy for cancer of the neck, head, face, or salivary glands treatment can cause dry mouth.

6. Diseases

Dry mouth can be caused by other medical conditions such as fever or diabetes. Sjogren’s syndrome is a disease that affects the glands that produce tears and saliva. Swollen salivary glands are a symptom of HIV/AIDS, and this can lead to mouth dryness. Hypertension, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, thyroid disease, and hepatitis C are among disorders linked to dry mouth.

7. Recreational Drugs

Dry mouth can be caused by excessive use of marijuana or amphetamines.

8. Stress

One of the causes for developing a dry mouth is because anxiety is commonly accompanied by stress. A dry mouth is a side effect of situations that cause stress and irritation.

9. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. Gestational diabetes is a condition that can affect pregnant women. Dry and raw mouth is a common result of these conditions.

10. Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption causes dehydration, which can lead to dry mouth.

11. Breathing through the mouth

Another cause of dry mouth is breathing through the mouth, particularly while sleeping. This primarily occurs at night, and you frequently wake up with a sore throat and parched lips.

12. Smoking

Smoking reduces the rate at which your mouth produces saliva, resulting in dry mouth.

How to get rid of Dry Mouth

There are a number of effective dry mouth remedies that can help to alleviate or even eliminate this problem. Here are some natural remedies you can use at home.

1. Increase your water intake.

How much water do you usually drink daily? The most obvious dry mouth remedy is the first. It is, however, the one that the majority of people overlook. Because dehydration is a major cause of dryness, you should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated will facilitate the production of saliva, and hence relieving the symptoms of dry mouth.

2. Drink Aloe vera juice.

Aloe vera can keep your mouth moist, protecting sensitive tissues and enhancing your sense of taste. Every morning, drink a quarter cup of aloe vera juice. You can also use it to rinse your mouth several times throughout the day. Apply some freshly extracted aloe vera gel to your mouth with a cotton swab before going to bed. Rinse with warm water after leaving it for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Ginger

Ginger has a wide range of medicinal properties. This is due to the presence of gingerol, a bioactive compound. Ginger is also known to increase saliva production. This can help keep your mouth feeling fresh for a long time. Cut a small piece of fresh ginger into small chunks. Bring a cup of water to a boil with this in it. Strain the ginger tea and sweeten it to taste with honey. Consume right away. You can also chew on a piece of ginger throughout the day if you prefer.

4. Lemon

Lemon juice can help keep your mouth moist by regulating saliva production. Its acidic and antibacterial properties also help to eliminate bad breath, which doubles the benefits. Add half a lemon’s juice and a few drops of honey, if desired, to a glass of warm water. Throughout the day, sip on this homemade lemonade. You could also eat a thin slice of lemon with a little salt on it. This should be done three times daily.

5. Vaseline

Petroleum jelly is the main component of Vaseline (petrolatum). It is usually used to heal wounds faster. Vaseline can thus assist in the treatment of dry mouth, particularly at night. Apply Vaseline to your gums before going to bed.

6. Oil Pulling

An ancient Ayurvedic remedy known as oil pulling is proven to help with a variety of oral and dental problems. It entails swishing a tablespoon or two of oil in and around your mouth lasted for approximately 20 minutes before spitting it out, such as coconut, olive oil, mustard, sesame, or sunflower. Brush your teeth as usual after a warm water rinse. This exercise keeps your mouth moist, which keeps it from drying out. To get the best results, do this every morning.

7.Avoid Caffeine entirely

Caffeine consumption can cause dry mouth or worsen it if you already have it. Reduce or eliminate caffeinated coffee and sodas, and increase your intake of decaffeinated tea and water. And try adding a twist of lemon, lime, or orange to your water.

8. Reduce your alcohol intake

Dry mouth can also be caused by alcohol. If you’re thirsty or have a dry mouth, try drinking water instead of reaching for an alcoholic beverage.

9. Quit Smoking

It’s time to give up smoking or using tobacco for good. Tobacco use can aggravate dry mouth, in addition to other negative health consequences. Toxins in cigarette smoke reduce saliva production and appear to increase the presence of Candida species, which can cause thrush and gingivitis.

10. Use a mouthwash that is alcohol-free.

Maintaining oral hygiene and avoiding a dry mouth is as simple as using a good mouthwash.
Furthermore, xylitol is found in many mouthwash formulations, which increases saliva production and provides temporary relief from dry mouth.


Dry mouth could be a major issue. If you are one of those affected by this condition, the negative effects of its symptoms may interfere with your social life. As a result, it is always preferable to treat dry mouth as soon as possible in order to avoid its recurrence. If left untreated it can even lead to other oral health issues.

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